Men of Valor is a men's small group that meets once a month on the last Sunday of the month. Come to be challenged and encouraged by the word and other men. We usually meet at the church or go to someone's house for the fellowship. Men you wont want to miss this opportunity to become victorious in your life. Contact Bob Richards at [email protected] or sign up in the foyer if you are interested.
Women of Virtue is a small group for women to connect and belong. All ladies are welcome to attend our bible study sessions during Wednesday night activities at 7 pm in the fellowship hall. In addition, special events are held every few months for our ladies to have some fun. For more information about any of the above activities, please contact Brittiny Nolan at [email protected].
Young Adults is a small group for those 19 to 29 years old, who are looking to connect and belong. All are welcomed for fellowship when they meet 1-2 times a month, immediately following our worship service in the church kitchen to share a meal, talk about life, and discuss what it looks like to live for God. For more information about dates, times, and activities, please contact Kayla Federiuk at 507-440-9072.